stretch arms to understand wingspan
Geese reveal fascinating gathering behaviors. Gesturally demonstrating consensus before taking flight or sharing the role of “lookout” as the rest of the gaggle eats near a busy street are just a few ways they live in community. stretch arms to understand wingspan takes inspiration from everyday encounters with geese in urban wilds with queer histories. Sandrine translated observed gathering behaviors demonstrated by geese into subtle actions that explore how we might rethink/reimagine our relationships with these other-than-human neighbors and the spaces we share. Through these actions, hunting Decoys and objects used for waterfowl taxidermy practices are turned into assisted readymades and used in ways to circumvent their intended use.
A residual installation of objects used in the live performance artwork remained in the space. Created for Transfigure, curated by Amber Imrie for Fenix Arts in Fayetteville, AR.