Pace Investigations > Pace Investigations No. 11

In Pace Investigations No. 11, the same performance repeated 8 times consecutively over 4 hours and 15 minutes. In each cycle, the performance duration decreased by half. What began as a 128-minute performance incrementally became a 1-minute performance. As this constriction of time occurred, the performance shifted. Some actions that made up the performance sped up while others slowed down. Some actions became unrecognizable from previous cycles. Some were abandoned while others gained significance. Some actions merged to become different actions all together. Regardless of how the performance adapted, the tension between mechanical and felt time was palpable.


Cycle 1: 128 minutes
Cycle 2: 64 minutes
Cycle 3: 32 minutes
Cycle 4: 16 minutes
Cycle 5: 8 minutes
Cycle 6: 4 minutes
Cycle 7: 2 minutes
Cycle 8: 1 minute

October 5,2019
created for Performance Is Alive at Satellite Art Show
Brooklyn, NY
Curated by Quinn Dukes